Learning and Knowledge Exchanges
Day After Day: Promoting Healthy Masculinities During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The goals and impact of the White Ribbon campaign as well as the intersections between gender-based violence, masculinities and the COVID-19 era. White Ribbon also shares useful tools and practices in the promotion of healthy masculinities.
Reinventing Our Campuses: Creating Real Community Safety to Address Sexual Violence
The online forum brought together culturally and gender diverse survivor, student, and advocate perspectives on current realities related to gender-based sexual violence and oppressions on Canadian campuses, and what is needed to create inclusive, safe campuses.
Leading with Abundance: Transformative Justice as a Framework for Change
A recording of WomenatthecentrE’s 3-part virtual event discussing Transformative Justice as a framework for change.
Laadliyan Gender Based Violence Toolkit
A toolkit by and for the South Asian community to discuss and end gender based violence. This toolkit was produced by Laadliyan: Celebrating & Empowering Daughters as part of its mission to inspire South Asian girls and women of all ages to become empowered individuals through engagement, education and awareness.
Supporting the Whole Campus Community: A Roadmap Tool for Working with People Who Have Caused Harm
In order to achieve complainant- and survivor-focused safety, campuses across Canada and the United States are beginning to work more comprehensively with respondents and people who have been found to cause harm. This tool offers a guiding framework for working with people who have caused harm.
Pathways for Engagement: Institutional and Program-level Considerations to Engage Men and Prevent Sexualized and Gender-Based Violence on Post-Secondary Campuses
Pathways to Engagement is a Framework designed to provide insight into how post-secondary institutions can design proactive, positive, and productive pathways to engage male-identified people in GBV prevention work on university and college campuses.
Primary Prevention of Violence Against Women and Girls: Current Knowledge about Program Effectiveness
This report was written for Women and Gender Equality Canada to highlight what we know about the effective prevention of violence directed at women and girls in a Canadian context.
Engaging Men to Address and Prevent Gender-Based Violence on Campus
This webinar explores promising practices and current gaps in anti-violence work with men on campus, and identifies key challenges, considerations, and future directions for this work.