Learning and Knowledge Exchanges
Was I Drugged and Sexually Assaulted?
This is a resource on what you should know if you think you may have been drugged and sexually assaulted.
Drawing the Line on Sexual Violence: A Guide for Ontario Educators
Drawing the Line on Sexual Violence was written by Ontario educators in collaboration with White Ribbon to support teachers in raising awareness among their students about topics relating to sexual violence prevention.
Live Safe, End Abuse
Live Safe, End Abuse is for people leaving an abusive partner. The resource contains information on what abuse is, how people can plan for their safety and protect their children, and who can help.
Right to be Safe: Creating Inclusive Services for Women with Disabilities Experiencing Violence
The resource booklet provides service providers in the violence prevention and response sector with information on statistics about violence against women with disabilities, understanding barriers people with disabilities face, communication and interaction tips about people with a range of disabilities, and accessibility planning tips.
Islamic Perspective on Engaging Men & Boys to End Violence in the Family
White Ribbon and Canadian Council of Muslim Women partnered to create the Engaging Men & Boys to End Violence in the Family Project, focused on engaging and encouraging men and boys from Muslim communities to end violence in the family.
Transgender Sexual Violence Survivors: A Self-Help Guide to Healing and Understanding
Transgender Sexual Violence Survivors: A Self-Help Guide to Healing and Understanding is a substantial document that includes information about the prevalence of sexual violence against transgender/gender non-conforming individuals.
Reducing Barriers to Support for Women Fleeing Violence: A Toolkit for Supporting Women with Varying Levels of Mental Wellness and Substance Use
This toolkit provides transition housing programs, and other service providers that support women, with tools to effectively provide services to women fleeing violence who have varying levels of mental wellness and/or substance use.
Sexual Health Toolkit: Sexually Transmitted Infections
This toolkit for Indigenous peoples provides information you need to keep yourself sexually healthy, information on sexually transmitted infections, including HIV, information on getting tested, and information on sexuality and relationships.