Learning and Knowledge Exchanges
There’s Another Way
An animated video that goes over consent and setting boundaries in youth dating relationships.
Leading with Abundance: Transformative Justice as a Framework for Change
A recording of WomenatthecentrE’s 3-part virtual event discussing Transformative Justice as a framework for change.
Tensions of 2SLGBTQIA+ Structural Inclusion Within the GBV Sector
This webinar explores how the dominance of structural and dichotomous gender binaries within the gender-based violence (GBV) sector still impacts how 2SLGBTQIA+ or sexual and gender diverse people are included, treated, or recognized within the sector, especially within service delivery.
Indigenous Women Land Defenders: Canadian State Violence and Forced Removals – CSW66 Parallel Event
This is the video of a panel discussion on Indigenous women land defenders in Canada and the efforts of these Indigenous women to protect Indigenous rights and Indigenous territories from state violence, dispossession, and environmental degradation.
Indigenous Perspectives of Healing From PTSD
Indigenous nations have a strong resource in ancestral law for providing perspective, understanding through teachings and a pathway for healing. The session speaks to a place where ancestral law and mental health hold great potential.
Supporting Sexually and Gender Diverse Youth Through Trauma-Informed Care
A webinar that discusses how use trauma-informed care to support sexually and gender diverse youth.
I’m Just Not Feeling It Right Now
This whiteboard animated video was written and voiced by PREVNet’s National Youth Advisory Committee to help start difficult conversations about dating scenarios that young people can find themselves in.
Webinar – A People’s Tribunal: Every Woman’s Right to Speak Free from Online Hate
The epidemic of online hate is silencing important voices. Women, especially those with intersectional identities, are subjected to unprecedented harassment and abuse online. This Tribunal makes clear the urgency of our right to speak free from online hate.