Learning and Knowledge Exchanges
Expanding Our Frame: Deeping Our Demands for Safety and Healing for Black Survivors of Sexual Violence
Black women and girls’ stories, narratives, and experiences remain largely at the margins of mainstream #MeToo conversations. This policy brief centers the demands of Black survivors of sexual violence.
Métis Perspectives of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and LGBTQ2S+ People
This report addresses the situation of violence against Métis women and girls in Canada. Métis women face a unique form of marginalization and discrimination; first, as Indigenous peoples; second, as Métis—the “invisible” among Aboriginal people; and third, as women.
Research 101: Manifesto for Ethical Research in the DTES
Representatives from several diverse Downtown Eastside organizations discuss their experiences with research, the wider context of research in the neighbourhood, and community expectations for more ethical and collaborative research practice.
Courage to Act: Developing a National draft Framework to Address and Prevent Gender-Based Violence at Post-Secondary Institutions in Canada
The “Courage to Act” report captures promising practices, key policy areas, and prevention plans as the foundation of a framework to address and prevent gender-based violence at post-secondary institutions in Canada.
The Body Remembers When the World Broke Open
The Body Remembers When the World Broke Open weaves an intricately complex, while at the same time very simple, story of a chance encounter between two Indigenous women with drastically different lived experience, navigating the aftermath of domestic abuse.
Installing Fear: A Canadian Legal and Policy Analysis of Using, Developing, and Selling Smartphone Stalkerware Applications
This report provides an in-depth legal and policy analysis of technology-facilitated intimate partner surveillance, especially stalkerware techonology, under Canadian law.
Canada: Preventing and Combating Racial Profiling
The report details First Nations’ experiences of racial profiling and racialized policing as a crucial lens to understand discrimination against Indigenous peoples, and provides suggestions to prevent and counter racial profiling.
Community-Based Research Toolkit: A Project Development Checklist
This community-based research toolkit is intended for community organizations trying to decide if they want to conduct research, and whether they should seek an academic partner to work with to conduct this research. This toolkit is designed as a project development checklist that acts as a guide for things to consider for community organizations conducting a research project.