Learning and Knowledge Exchanges
Preventing Teen Dating Violence: How Educators Can Make a Difference
Teen dating violence is a serious problem in Canada, but steps can be taken to prevent it from occurring. This toolkit is a guide for educators to get involved in preventing and intervening in teen dating violence.
Preventing Intimate Partner Violence in Two Spirit, Non Binary and Trans Communities, and Supporting Survivors
A toolkit for service providers to understand and address barriers and increase access to affirming supportive anti-violence services, as recommended by two-spirit, nonbinary and trans individuals themselves.
Day After Day: Promoting Healthy Masculinities During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The goals and impact of the White Ribbon campaign as well as the intersections between gender-based violence, masculinities and the COVID-19 era. White Ribbon also shares useful tools and practices in the promotion of healthy masculinities.
Policy, Program, and Practices Review Guide: Strengthening Supports and Services for Muslim Women and Girls Facing Gender-based Violence
This guide has been developed as part of Canadian Council of Muslim Women’s Gender-Based Violence (GBV) project, which focuses on identifying and addressing the barriers to supports and services for Muslim women and girls facing GBV.
Healing Comes in Waves
Healing Comes in Waves is a podcast for survivors to explore healing after harm. Too often, the conversation about sexual violence focuses on what was done to us but not how we choose to heal.
The Militarization of Indigenous Land: A Human Rights Focus
This is a submission by the Union of BC Indian Chiefs to the UN Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples detailing the militarization of Indigenous land and criminalization of Indigenous land defenders in B.C. The submission emphasizes how government and industry must meaningfully recognize and respect the right of Indigenous Peoples to free, prior and informed consent (FPIC) regarding the approval of any project affecting their lands or territories.
Sexual Violence Advocacy and Campus Communities: SV Campus Policies
This brief provides context for current sexual violence policies on post-secondary campuses and highlights the critical role of collective advocacy for bringing about change on campuses across Canada.
Unravelling the Complexities of Domestic Violence and Criminalization in Black Women’s Lives
This webinar identifies trauma and violence informed frameworks that are both relevant and responsive to the intersecting realities in Black women’s lives, especially with an increasing number of Black women being charged with perpetrating violence against an intimate partner.