Learning and Knowledge Exchanges
Reinventing Our Campuses: Creating Real Community Safety to Address Sexual Violence
The online forum brought together culturally and gender diverse survivor, student, and advocate perspectives on current realities related to gender-based sexual violence and oppressions on Canadian campuses, and what is needed to create inclusive, safe campuses.
The Road to Safety: Indigenous Survivors in BC Speak Out against Intimate Partner Violence during the COVID-19 Pandemic
This report highlights the experiences of Indigenous survivors in B.C experiencing intimate partner violence during the pandemic. For Indigenous women and gender diverse people, the COVID-19 pandemic is exacerbating the pre-existing reality of gendered colonial violence, and survey findings show that Indigenous women and gender diverse people are experiencing an increase in the frequency and severity of intimate partner violence (IPV).
Inclusion in Practice: Helping People with Intellectual Disabilities Experiencing Gender-Based Violence
This resource guide was developed for anti-violence programs as a tool to enable programs to build capacity, enhance their supports and improve service outcomes for people with intellectual disabilities, especially those with Complex Needs, who experience gender-based violence.
If You’re Charged with a Crime
This is a short, easy-to-understand booklet that outlines what happens when someone is charged with a criminal offence. It briefly describes the first steps in the court process and the different options that might be available.
Double Standard: Ending the Unjust Criminalisation of Victims of Violence against Women and Girls
This international report sets out evidence of the unjust criminalisation of victims of violence against women and girls in England and Wales for alleged offending resulting from their experience of abuse, and the reforms in law and practice that are needed to address this.
Reducing Stigma: Exploring the intersections between trauma, race and criminalization
This report draws on data that was gathered through interviews and surveys with racialized women who have lived experience of trauma and criminalization. It discusses how intimate partner violence can be a pathway into the criminal justice system for survivors.
What is Gender-Based Violence? A Plain Language Guide for People with Intellectual Disabilities
This guide is for anyone with an intellectual disability who has had gender-based violence done to them. Most importantly we want you to know who you can go to for help if this kind of violence happens to you.
There’s Another Way
An animated video that goes over consent and setting boundaries in youth dating relationships.