Learning and Knowledge Exchanges
Report: Intersections between Safety and Employment amongst Racialized Women in Toronto
For racialized women with experiences of intimate partner violence, economic security and employment can be compounded by structural barriers and racism. WomanACT consulted organizations that serve survivors of intimate partner violence and organizations that specialize in employment services for women on the barriers faced by racialized survivors.
For Your Protection: Peace Bonds and Family Law Protection Orders
This publication is for people who need protection from violent partners or former partners. It explains how and when you can get peace bonds and family law protection orders, and what the differences are between them.
Queering Gender-Based Violence Prevention & Response in Canada
This report presents the findings from a literature review, focus group, and interviews on what we know about the scale and scope of GBV impacting 2SLGBTQ+ communities, looking at the experiences of queer and trans Black, Indigenous and people of colour, refugees and newcomers, trans+ people, queer women, youth, sex workers, and people living rurally or remotely. This report then turns to existing violence prevention programs and points to the gaps and needs.
Senior Women Face Disproportionate Rates of Family Violence
The 2021 Statistics Canada report on police-reported violence against seniors (65-89) reveals that senior women are more likely to face family violence than senior men. This includes violence from spouses, children, siblings, and other family, like grandchildren.
Right to Housing and Violence Against Women
This brief explores the connections between the right to housing, homelessness, and violence against women, and highlights the key barriers survivors face in obtaining safe, adequate and permanent housing.
Punished By Design: The Criminalization of Trans & Queer Incarcerated Survivors
This report details how queer, trans, and gender nonconforming people are both disproportionately impacted by the criminal legal system and significantly more likely to be survivors of domestic and/or sexual violence.
Reproductive Coercion Against Intimate Partners: A Violation of Rights
This backgrounder provides details on reproductive coercion in intimate relationships. Reproductive coercion is a form of coercive control that involves removing an individual’s autonomy to make decisions about their health, body, and sexual activity.
Decolonizing Family Law Through Trauma Informed Practices
This report focuses on improving the legal system and access to justice in BC through decolonizing family law. Areas of improvement identified by nearly all experts consulted were “the need to expand the legal system’s understanding of family law to make room for Indigenous laws and concepts, the need for education, and the need for lawyers and other legal system professionals to engage in trauma-informed practice.”