Learning and Knowledge Exchanges
If You’re Charged with a Crime
This is a short, easy-to-understand booklet that outlines what happens when someone is charged with a criminal offence. It briefly describes the first steps in the court process and the different options that might be available.
Best Practices for Writing Gladue Reports and Understanding Gladue Principles
This guide provides a set of guidelines to support Gladue report writers in preparing reports to submit at bail and sentencing hearings for Indigenous people.
Safety in Relationships: Same-Gender
This resource describes relationship abuse, dispels common myths about abuse involving 2SLGBTQ+ folk, discusses why a person might stay with an abusive partner, and provides practical tips for making a plan to stay safely or leave safely.
Safety in Relationships: Trans Folks
This resource for members of the trans community describes relationship abuse, dispels common myths about abuse involving trans folk, discusses why a person might stay with an abusive partner, and provides practical tips for making a plan to stay safely or leave safely.
Keeping Aboriginal Kids Safe
This easy-to-understand, illustrated booklet explains the child protection process for Aboriginal children and families, including what you and your community can do if the Ministry of Children and Family Development or a delegated Aboriginal agency removes your child from your home.