Learning and Knowledge Exchanges
A Long Way To Go: Collective Struggles & Dreams of Reproductive Justice in Canada
The contributions in this anthology provide unique perspectives on reproductive justice in Canada. Contributors have drawn on their own lived experiences and the experiences of the communities of which they are a part to share what reproductive justice means to them.
Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Women in Canada
This anthology ffers a collection of briefs from a diverse group of experts in the academic, healthcare, and voluntary sectors. These briefs provide greater detail regarding the impact of COVID-19 on women, girls, and gender-diverse people, recognizing the distinct impacts within this group. The diversity of voices and perspectives in this collection serves as a reminder that Canadian women and gender-diverse persons had distinct experiences during the pandemic.
Domestic Violence Against Immigrant and Refugee Women
In this edition of Cultures West, the collection of stories illustrate that domestic violence is a serious social issue with devastating impacts on immigrant children, women, families and communities, and also how How federal and provincial immigration policies can put immigrant and refugee women at risk.
Telling Our Stories: Immigrant Women’s Resilience
Telling Our Stories: Immigrant Women’s Resilience is a graphic novel created through a series of creative writing workshops with immigrant and refugee women who came together to learn, share, and compile their stories on sexual violence and harassment.
No Selves to Defend: A Legacy of Criminalizing Women of Colour for Self Defense
The “No Selves to Defend” anthology was conceived and edited by Mariame Kaba of the Chicago Alliance to Free Marissa Alexander (now called Love & Protect). Published in June 2014, the anthology locates Marissa Alexander’s case within a historical context that criminalizes and punishes women (particularly of color) for self-defense and survival.