Learning and Knowledge Exchanges
Involuntary Treatment: Criminalization by Another Name
Currently, numerous law- and policymakers across BC are advocating for the expansion of involuntary treatment, suggesting that admission criteria should be expanded to include people who experience non-fatal overdoses. This position paper calls for the abolition of involuntary treatment, including opposition to the passage of any policy or legislation that expands, sanctions, or encourages the practice.
Evaluating Canada’s Sex Work Laws: The Case for Repeal
This report provides a history of the litigation that struck down previous sex work laws in Canada and the approach taken in drafting current legislation. It gives an overview of the impacts that current laws are having on sex workers across Canada and why the law is unconstitutional.
My Work Should Not Cost Me My Life
This reports lays the evidentiary and legal groundwork for sex workers to have access to healthy and safe working conditions, to address law enforcement concerns about violence and abuse in the sex industry, and to ensure that sex workers’ choices and autonomy are respected.
Blueprint for an Inquiry: Learning from the Failures of the Missing Women Commission of Inquiry
The report makes a number of recommendations that focus on ways Commissioners of inquiry can facilitate the participation of marginalized groups. Out of the failures of the provincial Missing Women Commission of Inquiry, the hope of the authors is that a positive legacy can still be uncovered.