Learning and Knowledge Exchanges
Pathways in a Forest Indigenous Guidance on Prevention-Based Child Welfare
Pathways in a Forest: Indigenous Guidance on Prevention-based Child Welfare centers the voices of 64 caregivers and highlights efforts by Indigenous families, communities, and nations to revitalize Indigenous approaches to child welfare, develop comprehensive community-based supports, and fight for self-determination.
A Safer Province for Everyone: Responding to Violence Against Sex Workers. Conference Report 2019
On May 28-29, 2019, a diverse group of stakeholders from across BC came together in Vancouver to discuss best practices in responding to violence in the context of sex work. This report highlights the content and outcomes of the conference.
More Than A Bed: A National Profile of VAW Shelters and Transition Houses
VAW shelters, feminist scholars, and policymakers have long recognized the need to better understand the scope of services and supports provided to women and children fleeing violence at the national level. This report provides a comprehensive national profile of both VAW and second stage shelters.
Reclaiming Power and Place: The Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls
The Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls is comprised of the truths of more than 2,380 family members, survivors of violence, experts and Knowledge Keepers shared over two years of cross-country public hearings and evidence gathering.
Getting Home Project: Overcoming Barriers to Housing after Violence
The Getting Home Project: Overcoming Barriers to Housing after Violence is a three-year, community based project, focusing on reducing barriers to safe, secure and affordable housing for women and their children experiencing violence in BC.
Feminists Deliver 2019 Conference and Trade Show
Feminists Deliver is a grassroots collaboration that came together on account of the 2019 Women Deliver Conference taking place in Vancouver.
The Long Fight Against Sex Discrimination in the Indian Act
Through her own decades-long court battle as well as her involvement in political mobilizations, Lynn Gehl is a long-time participant in the fight against sex discrimination in the federal Indian Act. Scott Neigh interviews her about the history of that struggle and current campaigns to remove the last elements of sex discrimination from the Act.
Comparison Of Pay Equity Regimes Across Canada
In 2019, West Coast LEAF prepared a backgrounder comparing pay equity regimes across Canada, including indicators of success and a comparative table summarizing findings.