Learning and Knowledge Exchanges
Canada: Climate Change and the Cultural Rights of Indigenous Peoples
This is a joint submission by Indigenous Climate Action and Union of BC Indian Chiefs to Karima Bennoune, United Nations Special Rapporteur in the Field of Cultural Rights, on various resource development projects within Indigenous territories which is forcing more land dispossession and threatening Indigenous cultural heritage.
Breaking the Cycle of Abuse and Closing the Housing Gap: Second Stage Shelters in Canada
This report lays out the importance of second stage shelters in breaking the cycle of abuse for survivors. Second stage shelters are an integral aspect of the continuum of supports for IPV survivors, providing them with the time and space to heal, plan for the future, and achieve independence and housing stability.
Behind Closed Doors: Exposing Migrant Care Worker Exploitation During COVID-19
href=” https://genderequitylke.org/learning-knowledge-exchanges/?_sft_project_type=reports ” class=”LKEmeta”>REPORTS
This report, which compiles hundreds of surveys filled out by migrant care workers during COVID-19, tells a story of entrapment, long hours, and thousands of dollars in stolen wages. It shows the enormous power employers have to abuse and exploit migrant care workers, and the ways in which migrant women are refusing to be silent.
Impact of COVID-19 on Indigenous Peoples
This is a submission by the Union of BC Indian Chiefs to Francisco Cali Tzay, United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, about the impact of COVID-19 on Indigenous peoples in B.C.
BC Gender Equality Report Card 2019/2020
The BC Gender Equality Report Card 2019/2020 assesses the B.C government’s progress in advancing human rights and gender justice between December 2018 and early April 2020. It explores six issue areas: access to justice; economic security; freedom from gender-based violence; health care; justice for people who are criminalized; and the rights of parents, children, and youth.
Identification and Highlighting of the Pathways (and Barriers) to Stable, Culturally Appropriate Housing Experienced by Inuit Women
The purpose of the literature review is to identify and highlight the pathways and barriers to stable, culturally appropriate housing experienced by Inuit women.
Anti-Colonial Approaches to Addressing GBV with Indigenous Communities
This webinar offers an anti-colonial analysis on the roots of violence and discusses culturally responsive approaches to responding to GBV on a systemic level.
A Primer on Interim Measures in Sexual Violence Cases at Post-Secondary Institutions
This webinar considers issues such as: What are the objectives of interim measures at post-secondary institutions? What types of measures can be imposed? What do we know about safety assessments?