Learning and Knowledge Exchanges > By Us, For Us: A Needs and Risks Assessment of Sex Workers in the Lower Mainland and Southern Vancouver Island
By Us, For Us: A Needs and Risks Assessment of Sex Workers in the Lower Mainland and Southern Vancouver Island
Transitions Metro Vancouver Consortium
In a context of the global COVID-19 pandemic and criminalized sex work, this sex worker-developed and sex-worker run report assesses the detailed needs and risks of sex workers in British Columbia’s Lower Mainland and southern Vancouver Island. Surveying 200 sex workers in the area, this assessment was set to the background of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, an inquiry into Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG), and an overdose crisis.
Author / Publisher: Transitions Metro Vancouver Consortium
Language(s): English
Year(s) Published: 2023
Accessibility Format(s): Machine-Readable Text
Type of Resource: Reports