Learning and Knowledge Exchanges > Courage Catalysts: Creating Consent Culture on Campus
Courage Catalysts: Creating Consent Culture on Campus
Possibility Seeds; Courage to Act I Nell Perry, Alannah McKay, Aubrianna Snow, Catherine Dunne, Chenthoori Malankov, Emma Kuzmyk, Jackie Toner, Jessica Wright, Kainat Javed, Vatineh Magaji, Tayler Glaspey, Tia Wong, Zoe King, Mandi Gray, Francis Prévost, Jacob DesRochers, Radhika Gupta, and Jaye Garcia
This toolkit was designed by diverse student advocates who were supporting our friends in the aftermath of GBV on campus, or navigating sexualized violence on campus ourselves.
Author / Publisher: Possibility Seeds; Courage to Act
Categories: Transformative Justice | Youth and Students
Language(s): English
Year(s) Published: 2021
Accessibility Format(s): Machine-Readable Text
Type of Resource: Toolkits