Learning and Knowledge Exchanges > Toward Liberation: Evolving Beyond 21st Century Capitalism

Toward Liberation: Evolving Beyond 21st Century Capitalism

Feminists Deliver

As we unravel the colonial and imperial histories that bind a majority of us today, we’ve reached a life-threatening crossroad under COVID-19 critical to our political, social, and economic futures. In the past five hundred years, we had been witnesses to rising wealth and capital built on land grabs, resource extraction, and decaying earthly conditions at the cost of human lives. This is complicated by the reality that the legacies of colonization, capitalism, white supremacy, and patriarchy specifically targets and subjugates women, non-binary people, Two-Spirit people, Black, Indigenous and peoples of colour who continue to face additional barriers when striving for economic wealth and overall health and wellness.

Along this timeline, we have also been introduced to human rights frameworks that allow us to improve lives across the globe, while subsequently facing increased inequities, environmental damages, and a myth that there isn’t enough for all of us. We need to act in a more affirming direction: politically, economically, socially in communities around the world. We have to look at the economic system such as wealth generation, and define world views on what is wealth for the individual and the collective.

Author / Publisher: Feminists Deliver
Language(s): English
Year(s) Published: 2020
Accessibility Format(s): Captioned Video
Type of Resource: Webinars & Videos