Learning and Knowledge Exchanges
Intimate Partner Violence in Canada, 2018: An Overview
This resource highlights that women disproportionately experience the most severe forms of IPV, such as being choked, being assaulted or threatened with a weapon, or being sexually assaulted. Additionally, women are more likely to experience more frequent instances of violence and more often report injury and negative physical and emotional consequences as a result of the violence.
Family Violence in Canada: A statistical profile, 2019
The 2019 edition of the report begins with an overview of police-reported family violence. The sections that follow present police-reported data dedicated to family violence against children and youth, intimate partner violence and family violence against seniors.
Experiences of Violent Victimization and Unwanted Sexual Behaviours Among Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and other Sexual Minority People, and the Transgender Population, in Canada, 2018
This analysis focuses on the impacts of sexual orientation and gender on experiences of victimization and unwanted sexual behaviours.