Learning and Knowledge Exchanges

This webpage is a centralized hub for resources related to Gender-Based Violence (GBV) from organizations across British Columbia, as well as key national and international research. We will continue to update this webpage as further resources become available.
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Research Ethics: A Guide for Community Organizations


This document aims to share our knowledge around research ethics, to empower us in our work, and to reduce the potential harms that participation in research/evaluation has had on some impoverished and/or criminalized client populations. These guidelines are intended for groups that work with recipient populations that are impoverished, criminalized or otherwise socially marginalized or isolated.

Click here for the resource >

More Than Bricks & Mortar: A Rights-Based Strategy to Prevent Girl Homelessness in Canada


This report identifies pathways to, impacts of, and solutions to girl homelessness. Girls and women who have experienced poverty and homelessness led the direction, content and work of the project. The report argues that prevention and responses to girl homelessness must begin with the purpose of achieving girls’ basic human rights and especially freedom from male violence.

Click here for the resource >

Peer Research In Action: Ethical Issues

Wellesley Institute I Sarah Flicker, Brenda Roche, Adrian Guta This report addresses the dearth of data on peer research and tackles questions regarding the authenticity of community participation, how power differentials are addressed (if at all),...